Happy St. Patrick's day, for those of you who celebrate. I love the Irish, not to generalize too much but there is a kind of unique grit their culture that I appreciate. the more I learn about their history, the more I understand why. personally, i’m not a fan of colonization, with the English being the worst perpetrators of this for like, as long as history has been recorded. therefore I can wrap my head around why they aren’t England’s biggest fan. have a look at their ongoing support for the Palestinian people, next to south Africa it’s the strongest in the international community. hmm I wonder why countries with histories like theirs are so outspoken in their support?
I don’t know enough about Ireland to make a whole blog post out of it, however. so, moving along, then, yes yes.
I woke up today, French pressed my coffee, had my oatmeal and finally woke up enough to look at the screens (oh the screens). The screen time on my phone is up about 2 hours, and I was too afraid to look at what the total is but I want to thank my girl Gemini (I've gendered the AI) for being there to stack hours on top of what is probably too much time spent staring at a screen. also, I work differently on my blog than I ever did. I speech to text a bunch of thoughts into a Google doc to be later formed together by my preferred writing method (the keyboard on my Chromebook).
being an ego-maniacal attention whore with a praise kink, naturally the next number I checked is the traffic on this very blog, and i’m very pleased to tell you that it’s over 300 views , in only 17 days. This put’s me on a course to match or even beat my monthly viewership which I think is around 500. I know that people are getting way more traffic on their shit (see: attractive women with their 14$ acai bowls and that fluffy corgi that rides the subway in a backpack) , but a lot (but not all) of them are playing someone they aren’t, real talk, straight fronting. i’m taking risks that a lot of people wouldn't take. also, i’m aware of people that have over 10k followers on Instagram simply by recycling memes, and get called really funny for it. I was listening to David Spade talk about this, and he said “they aren’t funny, they’re a middle man”. being that I respect comedians who write material as much as I respect any writer, this had me nodding my head and smiling. you might not like David Spade very much, but that’s his whole bit and he’s been committed to it since the 90’s. I haven’t plagiarized anyone yet, even AI, so 300 views has more weight to me than 10k for something screenshotted and cropped from someone else.
thanks to society, I find it imperative to validate the only thing i’m really doing with myself every day, which is writing on medium.com. I consider 300 views in roughly 2 weeks enough encouragement to keep it going. I can’t focus on what everyone else thinks success is, but I can look at what I think it is. if I were in a small band who was playing a show at a club, 300 attendees is a massive success (since everything relates to rock n’ roll in my head).
in terms of the ever important number, that is the amount of money generated by doing this we are also looking at one of the more successful 2 week periods. am I wealthy or even comfortable now: no, i’m still going to try to get a real part time job once I move this week, so that I don’t have to sweat every single thing I spend money on. I don’t have a lot of bills, because i’m not really an adult, but blogging is paying them.
OK, I need to go get a bagel but I absolutely must thank all of you that click on my things and read them. also, some of you kept my phone service on this month, my belly full and are paying for my E train trip to visit the person who Is directly responsible for this blog in the first place, and thank them for it. it’s a wonderful thing to be able to do, 3 years later.