A New Video and Many Ideas

Ev R0ck
4 min read3 days ago


I just released a new short, short film in my Neon City series, titled “Revolt in Neon City” which is about a lower-class uprising inspired by the recent Supreme Court decision that essentially criminalizes homelessness. It’s amazing to me what can be accomplished in 2024 with no budget and a $100 Chromebook, using the free features of AI platforms like Genmo, Kaiber, Hypernatural, and Deepbrain AI studio. Naturally, the music was composed by Suno.ai and Bandlab.

I am an affiliate of Deepbrain, so i’d like to include that link, in case anyone wants to get into what it does:

(picture a realistic news cast about anything you can think of).

Yes, I have a lot of ideas. Are some of them going to go nowhere? you betcha.

For some reason I always thought the worst sin someone could commit was to be too sure of themselves, or too egotistical. in trying to avoid that, I went the opposite way, and had no faith in myself while still being egotistical (just negatively). Plus, like most kids growing up in the 1990’s with ADHD, I was always told that i’m lazy by many of the adults, because I didn’t apply myself in school like I could have.

Here’s the deal: if I don’t care about something, I have little to zero ability to engage in working on it, I just cant… I’m sorry. I suppose I could try to grow out of that, but it’s extremely difficult for me. There is another side to that though: if I do care about something, and it means something to me I will labor tirelessly. I have no idea how many hours I've poured into my little multimedia project (blog, videos, music, promotion), but it’s a lot. It doesn’t feel like work at all.

So, that’s what I have to figure out how to do, to make money doing something that doesn't feel like work. I suppose that’s what everyone needs to do, I’m the only one I can really be concerned with. It’s my belly i’ve gotta keep full.

Naturally I had an idea, and I don't know if it’s a good one so i’m going to float it out here:

So, this blog has 300 followers and somewhere between 700 and 1000 views monthly, and the whole time i’ve been asking for these little donations on https://ko-fi.com/evr0ck17.

I started thinking “what if these people who supported me, got something besides a thank you and more blogging out of it…what if they got stickers, shirts or coffee mugs?”

The cool thing about modern technology is that it does things for me that I might not be able to do, or might not even want to. One of these things is making the spreadsheet of what the budget would be to start selling stickers, shirts, and other things. It also accelerated my understanding of graphic design, and my ability to generate imagery.

Don’t worry, i’m not asking you for 2700$ But i’m thinking of a Kickstarter campaign. I’m wondering if its feasible. What do you think? Ev.penk7@gmail.com.

I’m working on getting over not believing in myself and my ideas, man. That shit is so fucking counterproductive. So, what if I look crazy? The creative type is always looked at as crazy, most of the time they fail…but occasionaly they don’t.

I don’t know why I would always think that i’ll fail at everything, and therefore not even try. that’s why I didn’t write for a good 20 years, and look at what happened when I faced that fear, I discovered a whole sector of my personality and mind that was dormant.

My prime morning focus is running out, so i’ll just leave you with some of the designs that I would personally wear on a t-shirt, or stick a sticker of on my laptop, skateboard or any public city property in need of vandalism.

oh yeah, and do the thing where I ask for some coffees. If you can’t donate, or don’t want to, just share my stuff, that’s helpful too:




Ev R0ck

Embracing the unconventional path, empowering others to create, connect, and thrive. https://linktr.ee/EvR0cK17