I realized that i haven’t put anything on this blog for 6 days so i wanted to come back and at least check in on the things that are going on, even though writing has been difficult for me lately. There was a time when it was really easy and that just isn’t the case recently. My powers of description are a bit inadequate for today, so be kind.
I got a couple new notebooks and nice pens, so I've started free writing by hand, just for myself, but of course if anything comes out it will either end up on here, or recorded into a song. Nothing has made sense yet, but that’s ok.
The really big event:
My brother and mother came from Boston to visit me in NYC over the weekend, and even brought my brother’s girlfriend who I had never met. I hadn’t seen my brother in almost 4 years, which is a long time. I saw my mother about a year ago, but I was in the hospital heavily drugged up and recovering from another inhalant burn skin graft surgery (the 2nd time in my life), so I didn’t remember the visit. It was so amazing to be reunited with some of my family after such a long time apart, and it was one of the greatest gifts of this recovery process I’ve been in since August 15th of last year.
it was very a very joyous day that seemed to go by really quickly. i met them at Penn station and we went to their hotel in the financial district. my mom has pretty limited mobility so we just checked out some of the sights around their hotel, including the 9/11 memorial and battery park. I wanted to bring them to Washington Square Park, where i had gotten my start at writing, but it was a little too much for the limited amount of time we had together. We had real New York pizza for lunch and some very good chinese food for dinner.
At the train station it was powerfully emotional to see them, but we picked up pretty much where we had left off and there wasn’t any pressure or anything like that. i hope they can come back when it’s warmer and i’m more situated.
I was worried about them coming when i was still in the grips of my recent depressive episode, but luckily with medication adjustment and a return to daily meditation, i came out of the funk just in time.
it was so amazing to see them (while upright and doing well) . i know that they felt just as good as i did. there were a lot of times over the past few years apart when they didnt know if they’d ever see me again.
The Unfinished Sequences Of Music:
I’ve been making a lot of music that i really like, with the new tricks i taught myself in the software i use. My last post was about how i figured these new things out so i wont get too into it here.
I just want to say that I cannot for the life of me come up with lyrics so I wanted to post the tracks here is, to see if anyone else can help. This is a list of 4 out of the 12 tracks that I came up with over the course of the last week or so: