Today, i’m a 38 year old chil who goes to the store and walks out with a big bag full of candy and ice cream, for little birthday treats.
the bodegas here in queens are not active in the culinary arts, like my freinds next door on avenue d were, and i miss them. all i could get was a 7 out of 10 cold turkey hero. my musical activities were postponed due to the weather, so i’ll have to get myself one of my dream sandwiches when i’m back in the village tomorrow. yes the avenue d, chop cheese hero with lettuce, mayo, pickles and ketchup will be mine, tomorrow….
i like my little treats, i’ve always got a little treat stashed, jutst in case i want or need some positive treat feelings from eating a gummy cheeseburger or an ice cream sandwich.
i didn’t really know what else to do with a snowy birthday morning, other than stock up on pleasant treats and prepare to stay warm here in the command center, my little house.
i know 38 is a great deal further than i thought this trip was going, and all of that. i just can’t get into a deep examination of life at this current time, all i’m getting into is candy, ice cream, and the very incredible new music I’ve been discovering on my spotify digs these last couple of days.
i’m not in a bad spot to be in if this is what i do with my birthday. just gotta try ignore the nagging loneliness, because i’m never really alone, and i’ll see some of my people tomorrow, anyway. it’s better to seek comfort in a pint of ice cream, then a bag of drugs.
all is well, then, aint it?
i’ll say this for you about to be born, don’t do it in early janurary. do you know how many chuckie cheese parties i had that were ruined by new england snowstorms? plus the whole world is broke due to christmas being like a week ago. i’ve come to terms with january 7th by now, but seriously, get born in august or something.
if you wanna send some birthday luv: