Uh-oh, I have another idea. What do you think?
I want to write a book, people tell me to write a book, I try to write a book but there never materializes any book at the end of the day. I just have too much I want to put in there, too many stories, too little cohesive attention span to connect them.
Luckily, for all of us, someone handed me the keys to a chat GPT plus account that I could have read my entire blog and start giving me ideas on how to actually execute that “Big Plan” I've been floating around in my head for years.
It doesn’t write the book, that’s against my personal policy . It sure as shit helps me organize and outline it though.
It really bugs me that I can never just write a book, because I know I can write. so, I came up with an idea:
You know how it’s hard to sit through a 90 minute movie but you can binge watch a show on a streaming platform for 8 hours without even thinking about it twice?
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think it is.
I really believe that the format of the 90 second Tik Tok or Instagram reel further shot out my attention span for long form media, by the way. I cant believe i’m the same person that used to watch 5 hour extended DVD cuts of Peter Jackson’s Lord Of The Rings flicks.
where was I? oh right, I was telling you my vision for a long form narrative that weaves together all of my crazy stories of drug addicted depravity on the street, how I got there, and the music that was playing in my head the whole time.
Monthly chapters, episodic installments. Like a comic book, or “The Sopranos”.
The goal of yet untitled project is to provide a space for reflection and understanding, offering insights not only into my life but also into the broader human experience of fighting for change and understanding oneself. Through this serialized format, I can to keep readers engaged over time, and also shake a buck or 2 out of my strongest skill (writing). I was thinking 3$ a month. At the end of it, i’ll e-publish the whole thing.
I made a few editorial choices about the content, you might not love this, but: It’s going to be somewhat fictionalized for the purposes of flow. it’s going to be based on an amalgamation of my real personal experiences, places I've been and people I've known.
I already have 700-something blog posts that can be folded into the story, they just need retelling through the lens of a guy in his millionth rehab with a wandering mind and a composition book.
you might say “hey, those stories are all on evr0ck17.medium.com for free!”. yes they are, but many of them were written 3 years ago, and i’d like to hope i’m a better writer now than I was then. Think of it like the “Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition”, same story with new improved features.
The funny thing about this is that I really think I could pull it off, whereas the whole memoir thing has been sitting on the back burner since I rediscovered writing in 2021.
Today, I fed Chat-gpt 4–0 my entire blog to look for a way to finally fulfill the dream of writing a book, and it gave me an outline, which I would stick to… I’m serious about this.
I never do this, but:
I will wrap up chapter one in a few days and release it here.