When BuyMeACoffee.com was still a thing, my writing used to generate a little money for me, providing some extra comfort. However, one day BuyMeACoffee fucked up their entire payment structure, and I had to resort to using direct PayPal. Not many people are keen on using PayPal, and some don’t even have it. A $5 coffee donation is much more appealing than going through the process of opening up PayPal and making a donation that way. I still have loyal readers from all over the place who occasionally make donations, and it’s important to acknowledge their contributions, as well as my Patreon supporters who help me sustain my Spotify subscription.
After BuyMeACoffee’s failure, my work hardly received any financial support, which was disheartening, although I don’t write for money. However, I do need it, unfortunately.
Today, I finally discovered a platform that has taken its place! Now, I better make sure to write some excellent content since I can once again generate some coffee funds. The pressure is on. It’s ironic that a few years ago, when I was going through tumultuous drug fueled insanity and writing the most outrageous pieces, my blog was earning the most money it ever did, or has since. Perhaps the old adage “if it bleeds, it leads” holds some truth — I’m not sure. Anyway, if you find value in what I share here, please consider supporting me. I don’t like to come across as a PBS fundraiser, but you know, sometimes it be like that.
You might be thinking, “Why don’t you get a job?” Well, yes, I am trying.
Hey man it’s not panhandling -its entertainment. I know what panhandling is, I used to do it every morning on 34th street at rush hour (even then, at least i sang “swing low sweet chariot”).
A new way to support my work!
https://medium.com/@Ev R0ck/list/72da28b42709