When I get sober, the disease finds other places to show up, and for me in 2017 it was in the myriad of dating apps (tinder, bumble, okcupid) that are available on ios . I think I’ll keep most of that fucked up content discrete at this juncture, it was horribly maladaptive and malignant behavior. I do want to tell one funny story:
I was living in Ocean Grove, New Jersey in 2017 and 2018. Ocean Grove borders the very hip Asbury Park, which has a couple PBR hipster bars.
I matched with a lovely young lady on one of the apps (I don't remember which one), who was across the lake having a few pops at Johnny Macs, a popular bar among people in tight dickies, clear glasses and Chuck Taylors. I had never been there as I was roughly 3 years sober at the time.
She said she wanted to meet up, so I was down (obviously) and we met on the bridge that connects OG and AP.
Let me just tell you that this girl was shitfaced. She said she had been thrown out of the bar for stuffing toilet paper rolls into the womens toilet. If that were true, why would anyone admit to that? She also said she really needed to pee, so we went back to my apartment.
Now if you think this is about to get racy, or something, it isn't. This chick puked all over my living room floor and in sheer terror she took off out the door, down the hall, and I could hear her tumble down the srairs.
She was never seen or heard from again.
Side note, I will not be installing any of those apps any time soon, because I get so sick with that shit. Why did Facebook have to shoehorn dating into their platform? I'm triggered! Get it out of there!
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