Member-only story
I wrote this yesterday around 7PM and never got around to publishing it, so ill write on top of it and put it out this morning.
Tuesday evening
Oh yes, since I got a second wind a few minutes ago I might as well bang this keyboard a bit, and talk about my day, you know… for practice.
I spent the morning at the New York Urban League, which is an employment resource to help me become employable again…it’s been a while so I need all the help I can get. there are so many resources in this city for us marginalized people, all one has to do is make use of them, I fully intend to do everything I can to build some kind of future where I can afford to write every day while being fed and housed.
After this, I went to yoga class, and heard some very loud popping from my left shoulder. I fail so hard at yoga, but promised myself I'd do it at least once a week. Sometimes it really fucks me up so I just lay there and try to breathe. I don't think there is a point of arrival when it comes to yoga and meditation, I think the process and the seeking is the whole point, i could be wrong, though. if I arrive somewhere ill be sure to write about it, so stay tuned.
Wed. Morning
I am noticing a very negative vibe in this program, lately, where people complain about everything like we haven't narrowly escaped death. I don’t get it, and I don’t care because I have some serious Grateful Dead on my headphones and I keep it moving. I suppose everyone is entitled to their experience and how they feel about it, and I wouldn't want to be one of those toxically positive assholes that try to force everyone to smile…fuck a smile for anyone else, as i am only in control of myself. Smile if you want to but if all you want to do is bitch, stay the fuck out of my way.
There it is, my short Tuesday 2nd wind post, and my short Wednesday first wind post.