I don’t know if you and I are social media friends, and of course, I’d hope so, but in case you aren’t, I’ll put my links at the bottom of this little blog post.
Anyway, the reason I bring that up is that if you are following me on any of the social media platforms, you’ll notice that I’ve been posting what could possibly be nearly 100 videos of me singing songs. I started pulling up instrumentals on YouTube and singing the songs into TikTok. I’m quite aggressively singing songs all day, and I’m going to tell you why.
Ever since I performed after the two screenings of this documentary I’m in, it feels like I’m sliding into this singing voice that I really didn’t think much of, aside from singing in the shower. It really got started when I began singing with my music teacher, Mariano, every Friday night at 5 to 6.
The problem became that I wanted to sing all of the time, and I only had a musician for an hour a week. Having no musical talent of my own, I had to take the easy way and turn to karaoke. Even if I’m not a great singer, my taste in covers is pretty impeccable due to being a music nerd my whole life. Now that I’m getting more comfortable as a singer, I’m picking songs that I might not have attempted a few months ago.
I’m trying to get at some kind of emotional content, if I can, after all, that’s what music is for. As a byproduct of this whole new pursuit, I’m way less depressed and a lot happier.
Just bear with me while I carpet bomb your feed with pretending to be a rock star on the internet; it’s doing wonders for my mood.
Side note, as per usual: i don’t have any money, therefore i don’t have any coffee, please help if you can and want to: https://ko-fi.com/evr0ck17
click this link, bro, and then you can click on the links inside of this link: