Thursday 10/26, The Lounge Computer
Well, I came to this computer to do something productive. I pulled it off, despite only sleeping for 3 hours last night and feeling kind of silly. I kind of like the type of exhaustion that makes you loopy and goofy, so I’ll ride around with it, forgo a 2 pm nap, and pull an all-dayer (the reverse all-nighter). This is a really nice old mechanical keyboard, so I may as well try to crank out a post with it. I’m supposed to be meeting a dear friend who is giving me a laptop tomorrow, so I should be back to regularly writing (not that I ever actually stopped).
Yesterday, I was writing about feeling balanced, grateful, and patient while being protected by the benevolent forces of the universe. This was before I got the email I was hoping to get on Monday. I have an interview for supportive housing on the 6th of November, which is very good news and something I’ve been waiting for a long time.
In New York City, supportive housing is a program designed to help people with mental illnesses avoid homelessness.
So, let’s just have a bit of a think here. If you’re fucking crazy and you fucked up your life enough, you could find yourself with a free apartment in NYC, and be the star of a short documentary. I mean, it’s looking like that’s going to be my story of the past year or so. You have to be patient, though; there are absolutely no city programs that run like a well-oiled machine and operate quickly, especially housing programs.
It is apparent that I may not have to have a roommate this time, considering my last supportive housing roommate attacked me with a low-quality steak knife. I had to advocate for myself, too. I wouldn’t be anywhere close to the position I’m likely to find myself in if I hadn’t learned how to do that. My outcomes are mine to live with; therefore, I don’t mind standing up for myself to go in a better direction.
Friday 10/27, The Laptop
Yes, now I am typing on a laptop that my friend Krista (AKA racecar) gave me when we met in Soho earlier today. The keyboard feels very nice and is also backlit. The computer has very basic specs, but all I do is write blog posts and play 30-year-old fighting games, so I don’t really ask much of it.
Now, I will spend the weekend configuring it to my needs and hoarding the games from my childhood. What a good, productive week it’s been.
There is one problem: I’ve got no coffee or cigarettes, nor do i have any money to refill these survival supplies, please consider making a coffee/Cigarette donation here: