I’m embarrassed to be an American and I hate this fucking country. Of course there are too many reasons for this that I can’t get to because I’ll never be able to walk away from typing, so lets focus on the one that is really getting to me right now: the police treatment of peaceful student protesters standing against the Israeli genocide happening in Gaza.
I was always told that as an American I am “free”, right? that’s the whole thing about America they tell you in school, first amendment freedom of speech is thing number one. Well, not if you’re protesting the genocide that we are literally supplying and paying for, then you’ll be arrested and possibly assaulted. Oh yeah, and they banned tik tok because pro-Palestinian videos were constantly in the top trending content. The mainstream media was too deep in Zionist pocket, so the people took the matter of visibility into their own hands by using the tools that were available.
So, you cant protest injustice, or even shed light on it in a way that’s visible to a wide audience. I have never felt as disillusioned with the government as I have in the past few months, which says a lot considering Donald Trump was president for four years… but what’s the difference? who cares which party is “running things”, it doesn’t matter they both just fuel the military, prison and corporate industrial complex, which is the only contingent to which they are loyal, and the only population that they serve.
Why wouldn’t we arm and fund a genocidal, settler colonial state with white supremacy in it’s very foundation? This is who we are as a nation, this is how we came to be by murdering millions of the natives that were here long before any of our European ancestor . War, genocide, and slavery are as American as apple pie.
If you are one of those that want’s to tell me to leave if I hate this place… alright then, I think you should promptly send the money for me to do that to my PayPal, fuck you very much and your thin blue line.
Why did we read “Night” by Ellie Wiesel in school, if the people that told us it could never happen again, were going to go and do it all again? How could they expect no one to protest?
Why do we celebrate the civil rights movement, with the understanding that it was built on student protests (at least partly) but then send the cops to beat people up that are obviously on the right side of history?
We have no moral authority as a democracy and i’d argue that the whole thing is a scam…a total farce. Godamnit, I have to stop with this for now, it’s giving me the misery. Of course I’ll circle back to what a fascist police state shit show this nation is but I just can’t right now, i’ll never move on with my day.