Since I don’t actually have anything in mind to write about today, and I’m poor, I was running through my back catalog to paste my new coffee donation link. I read some of the stuff, as I had pretty much forgotten what it said, and I never read my own work. I think if I did, I'd never stop editing it.
Hey, the shit ain’t bad, and there’s like 400 of them, many are worth a gander. It’s too bad that once it’s older it loses audience. I used to get a lot more traffic, so I’m trying to figure out how to get back to that, all while making 5 bucks here and there. I feel like I definitely need to write better, or as good as i was a while ago for starters. Maybe more stories about doing insane shit on drugs, those seem to go over pretty well. I don’t know.
So, what do you do when you’ve got nothing new to say? Recycle old stuff! It’s good for the planet! Marvel movies and Call Of Duty do it all the time, and look at how well they do! Fuck, they just put out the 10th Fast and Furious movie!
The Shit That Aint That Bad:
Did you know that if you enjoy my writing that you can actually buy me a coffee? yes!